Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 02:48 PM
The Town of Paradise advises that road work at the intersection of Topsail Road and Paradise Road is scheduled to start tomorrow, Wednesday, November 13, and is expected to take approximately one week. The work involves road and sidewalk repair in the area. While efforts will be made to minimize traffic disruptions, the west bound lane on Topsail Road may experience temporary lane closures, and periodic traffic delays. Traffic flow will be maintained for the morning and evening commute times....
Posted on Sunday, November 10, 2024 05:35 PM
The Town of Paradise advises of a planned water shut-off for Port Rexton Place on Monday, November 11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The water shut-off is required so the developer can make repairs to the water line in the area. This issue is not part of the situation on-going at Lift Station 10. When water is restored, residents are reminded to run their water for a few minutes in the event of any discolouration or air in the pipes. The Town apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.
Posted on Sunday, November 10, 2024 02:36 PM
The Town of Paradise today (November 10) provided an update on the situation at Lift Station 10 and the associated State of Emergency. We understand and share the frustration of residents. It has been a difficult situation for all involved.
When crews detected the issue during the regular check of the station on November 1, they determined that the two pumps had malfunctioned. Throughout the past week and on-going this weekend, the Town’s Public Works Department are working to maintain the flows...
Posted on Friday, November 08, 2024 03:21 PM
As the long weekend approaches, the Town of Paradise today (November 8) provided an update on the State of Emergency and the associated work for the coming days.
The area of Town serviced by the lift station remains under a State of Emergency and all provisions remain in place. The situation at the lift station continues to be stable and crews are working on repairs. Pumper trucks will remain on site as work continues. Municipal Enforcement are patrolling the area to monitor traffic throughout...
Posted on Friday, November 08, 2024 08:16 AM
The Town of Paradise advises of an unplanned, temporary water shut-off for Deborah Lynn Heights (from approximately civic #99 to the intersection with Camrose Drive) on Friday, November 8. The water shut-off is required to complete repairs to the main water line in the area. The water is expected to be restored by 4 p.m. Only local access is permitted through this section of road while the work is on-going.
When water is restored, residents are reminded to run their water for a few minutes in...
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